This document was last updated prior to version v0.50
but is should give you a good head start
Breakdown of class structure for NOAH Weather.
Includes variables and methods available.

(NOAH.php)   		NOAH {base class}
(db.php)     		  |- db_layer
             		  |     |
(weather.php)		  |     +- weather
(html.php)   		  +- HTML
(output.php) 		      +- output
(parse.php)  		            +- parse

(parseMetar.php)	parseMetar {standalone class used by weather}


  var $properties = array();	Array containing the configuration data
  var $forecast = array();	Array containing the forecast data
  var $currentw = array();	Array containing the current weather data
  var $images = array();	Array containing the images data
  var $warnings = array();	Array containing the advisory/warning data
  var $debug_msgs;		Array containing the debug messages
  var $version;			string containing current version number
  var $inside_nuke;		boolean value set to true if php-nuke is detected

  function NOAH($input = array()) 	 	base constrictor
  function set_verbosity($new_verbosity) 	Sets verbosity level which determines how
  					 	much "feedback" we are given during code execution
  function get_verbosity() 			Returns the current verbosity level
  function error($msg, $file = '', $line = '') 	  Prints error message and terminates execution
  function warning($msg, $file = '', $line = '')  Prints a warning message and terminates execution
  function debug($msg, $file = '', $line = '') 	Stores a debug msg in a array for later examination
  function print_properties() 			Prints the current configuration data


  function db_layer($input = array()) 	base constrictor
  function set_db_type($type) 		Sets the type of database to be used.
  						Valid $type are mysql,mysql4,postgres,mssql,oracle,
  function get_db_type() 		Reads the current database type


  function weather($input = array()) 	base constrictor
  function getLocation() 		retrieves weather data for current location;
  						 populates $forecast,$currentw,$images, and $warnings
  function setLocation($arg1,$arg2="")  sets the location for which weather data will be retrieved.
  						 Accepts a zip, city/state, NOAA Zone, ICAO, or callsign as input.
  function getCurrent($arg1) 		retrieves current weather data. $arg1 is expected to be an ICAO
  function getForecast($zone,$state) 	retrieves forecast data given a NOAA zone and state.
  function getImages ($icao) 		retrieves NOAA images for the given ICAO
  function isAfile($url)		boolean function used to determine if a file exists.
  function getFile($url) 		returns contents of $url as string data.
  function getWarnings($zone) 		retrieves advisories/warning of all known type given NOAA zone.
  function getWarning($zone,$type)	retrieves specific advisories/warning given NOAA zone and type
  function parseWarning($contents) 	parses data retrieve by getWarning into usable format
  function decode_metar($raw_metar) 	calls parseMeter to decode weather data given a raw metar.


  var $weather = null;

  function HTML($weather, $input = array()	base constrictor
  function TableOpen($type=0,$params="")	outputs HTML data need to open a table for display in a browser
  function TableClose($type=0)               	outputs HTML data need to close a table for display in a browser
  function TH($txt,$NumCols=1,$w="")		outputs HTML data need to display a table header in a browser
  function TR($tr,$a="",$w="",$v="")		outputs HTML data need to display a table row in a browser
  function TD($td,$w="",$a="",$v="",$c='1')	outputs HTML data need to display a table cell in a browser

  function DIV($content,$styleC="l",$top="",$styleT="c",$left="",$styleL="r")
  						outputs HTML data need to display a formatted block in a browser
  						 (see the css.README in the classes directory for more info)

  function BLK($BLK = array(),$layout) 		outputs HTML data need to display a formatted block in a browser
  						 (see the css.README in the classes directory for more info)


  function ShowLocation() 			returns html formatted data of location, icao, zone, lat, long
  function ShowCurrent ($b=1)                   returns html formatted data of current weather conditions
  						 $b=0 is a special case used by php-nuke for block data

  function ShowMoon ()                          returns html formatted data of moon phase
  function ShowImages()                         returns html formatted data of all current NOAA images
  function ShowImage($type)                     returns html formatted data of specific NOAA image
  function ShowWarnings($verbose)               returns html formatted data of advisories/warnings
  function ShowForcasts($num=7,$verbose=0,$layout=1)   returns html formatted data of all forecast data
  function ShowForecast($key,$verbose=0,$link=0)   returns html formatted data of the specified forecast $key
  function ShowVersion($img)                    returns html formatted data of current version. $img is an integer.


function fix_first($data) 		returns properly capitalized data base on structure
function NOAAparseImg($key,$data) 	returns forecast image given a $key, $data pair
function NOAAparseShort($key,$data)     returns short forecast given a $key, $data pair
function NOAAparseLo($key,$data)        returns low temp data given a $key, $data pair
function NOAAparseHi($key,$data)        returns high temp data given a $key, $data pair
function NOAAparseRain($key,$data)      returns change of rain given a $key, $data pair